
live the life you love, love the life you live <3

Earth Hour 2011 March 26, 2011

So today, at 8:30 Central Time Earth is celebrating Earth Hour. Which means for one hour, it is every individual persons duty to participate. Earth gives us life and food and shelter, we need to give our grattitude and thanks. It can be something simple like, getting cans ready to recycle tomorrow, (if you never do), making an organic dinner, cleaning the trash on your neighborhood. Something that you would never do any other day!! For me I am going to take a walk to the hills nearby my house, and clean up some trash and plant some little plants. It won’t cost me that much, and I will feel like I helped the Earth in some great way! Its a simple hour of your time. The benefits of doing something good always overweigh every other feeling in life.There are so many things you could do, that are small, but could help our earth so much. Donating to Japans natural disaster, I would say is just as great! Whatever you choose, just do it sometime today, It doesn’t HAVE to be in that hour, but as long as its today, your helping out!


Helping Japan. March 22, 2011

Filed under: green,Helping Japan — GreenLif3 @ 5:46 am
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As you may already know, Japan has suffered a huge crisis. The 9.0 Earthquake that hit last week, caused a huge tsunami to wipe out many coastal cities. As if that wasn’t bad enough, a nuclear power plant lost power and started to leak nuclear radiation.  The death toll is at 10,000 and  rising, and there is over 15,000 people still missing. Many countries have already sent support and search dogs to help the rescue, but every donation can help. Here is the link for the red cross, which is definetely the most promising source to donate to. Even if it is only a dollar, there are billions in the United States alone to help. A dollar from each person would equal to alot of money!

There are still earthquakes happening every hour or so in Japan. To see the list thanks to the USGS, I have put it here in this link. Pray for Japan to have a quick a safe recovery. Click the red cross to donate!

List of Recent Earthquakes in Japan