
live the life you love, love the life you live <3

Benefits of Pineapple January 3, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — GreenLif3 @ 8:49 am


Hello all!

Cheers to the beginning of a new year 2015! I am so excited to start this year fresh. I have had a lot of crazy things happen last year, and I must say I finally feel like myself again. I have no posted half as much as I wish I did last year. In fact I barely posted at all. I woke up this morning with the realization of how much I missed this blog, and how I would make a point to write more. So you will probably be seeing a lot of new stuff. For today, I will start with something simple that in the past year or two I have fallen in love with more and more. Pineapple! It is natures remedy for almost everything.

The real benefits in Pineapple lie in its numerous minerals and vitamins it contains. They are abundant in vitamin C and bromelain, beta-carotene(Vitamin A), manganese, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, calcium,  the list goes on. These vitamins and minerals it contains can fight away flus, prevents free radical damage (and slows cancerous cell growth), strengthens bones, fights for healthy gums, helps regain lost vision, works as an anti-inflammatory, helps cure sore throat, boosts immunity, aids in digestion, prevents hypertension and high cholesterol, relieves nausea, makes skin and nails younger and shiny, thickens hair and prevents hair loss, etc.

Is there anything pineapple doesn’t aid with? That was my thoughts when researching this. It is the one thing I reach for when sick now. I will take a glass of pineapple juice and put a little honey in it. I try my best to stay away from any cold pills for the sick times. This is an excellent addition or substitution to your already made sick care plan.


Benefits of Almond Milk – Life changing steps June 14, 2014

almond milk



Almond Milk is a great alternative to traditional cow milk, and has been used for centuries this way. It happens with a process of Almonds soaked and shelled, then blended to create a milk that is off the charts for nutrition. This milk is packed with antioxidants and Vitamin E and the flavonoids help clear free radicals from the body. Free radicals are cancer causing and damage causing agents that damage your DNA, cells and proteins. It is important to eat foods that will clear these free radicals from the body.

Unlike cow’s milk, almond milk contains no cholesterol and no saturated fats, so it won’t damage your cardiovascular system. Almond milk is also high in omega-3 fatty acids to help lower your levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and protect your heart. You’ll also enjoy the other benefits of adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, such as improved cognitive function.

These vitamins and minerals are packed inside Almond Milk, unlike Cow milk.

  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Selenium

I transitioned from buying cow milk to only almond milk 6 months ago. This was honestly the best change in my diet, it really created a better foundation for my body for my mornings protein shakes. Everyday I just simply felt better, and I never felt the bloated feeling again from cow milk. I decided to put it to the test. First I tried a bowl of cereal, and score! It tasted delicious and normal. Then next I made pasta that needed a bit of milk in it, it came out completely the same no taste differences! So it passed my vote on all levels for health. Of course cow milk has its own nurtrients, but I like the benefits the almond milk has to offer!


Coconut Oil – A conditioner alternative June 9, 2014


Coconut Oil has many benefits for your health, skin, and hair, and is becoming more widespread for its use and more acknoledged as a must have in homes everywhere. I bought my first tub of organic coconut oil mostly for the hair benefits, to be used as a conditioner, but since I have boughten it, I have used it for many uses, including cooking.

I have red hair naturally, and while my hair is thick, I have a thin type of hair, I just have alot of it. My hair responds well to leave in conditioners, and anything that doesn’t weigh it down and lets it flow.  My first try with coconut oil I must say was very frustrating. I put too much in the top (and I still only used a couple drops), And it held down my hair like a grease monkey. The water does not really wash it out where you put it, so I had to wait a day or so for it to work its way out. All hair types are different, which makes looking for organic shampoo and conditioner that much harder, but i decided not to give up on coconut oil. After all, it did leave my hair with a really nice shine afterwards.

So the next time I tried it, things went much better. I poured only a drop in my hand and started at the tips, and worked my way into my hair with never really touching the top of my head at all, to only have the bottom taken care of. It worked very well, my hair was left with a wonderful shine and was not a grease ball, instead my hair had the same bounce but with the added shine and luster of coconut oil.

Now this was with me still using my regular Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner, I have not switched over to organic as of yet, as I need to find a way to make my own that works everytime.

So I consider me using the coconut oil only as a last leave in conditioner treatment, but I will still wash it out a bit to ensure my hair doesn’t absorb too much of it.

I do not use this treatment everyday, as my hair is fine and will not take too much to hold it down. All hair types vary, and if you have thicker, drier hair this might work very well for you.

My experience with the coconut oil is one I wanted to share so all will know that it is such a healthy oil that we need to use more often. I have used it in replace of cooking oil, have used it to make scars less visable, including strech marks, used it as tanning oil before going into the sun, etc. Everytime I find a new use for it I am excited to try it and use the organic ways of life. One more transition on my way to living an organic life.





Wheat Grass – The green machine that is hard to believe. November 18, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — GreenLif3 @ 12:15 pm

I am very sorry for the time frame in which I have last posted. I have recently moved out of my parents house, became permanent at my job, etc. It has been one busy year! I can to think about all of the people on here waiting on more posts, and that was the motivation I needed to jump back on here. I have been improving my life a little at a time to become more green. Some small changes have included: eating healthier, switching to non-flouride toothpaste, and growing my own herbs and vegetables. Small changes, but the more small changes made will create a big change in my life that I have been reaching for now for a couple years. The hardest thing for me is to ACTUALLY implement these new ideas into my life. It is one thing to say I will do them, but to actually get the old habits out of the door are my biggest challenge. That will be my focus here on out, and I hope you enjoy seeing the little things changing like I am. Thanks for everyones continued support, and cheers to the posts to come!

wheat grass

So on to further things….

On my lunch break today I decided to stop by the juice store and get a Wheat Grass shot. I know….scary right? That is what most people think. They give it to you with a chaser of orange juice or apple juice, which takes away the green taste. Before I tried wheat grass the reputation had me saying No, every chance I got. But once I tried it for myself….It was not as bad as the others had portrayed. It has a mild green/grass taste which quickly goes away with the chaser. It is one of the only things that within minutes I can feel a body change. I feel more energetic, more alert, and less hungry after I take it. The effects kick in for me in about 5 minutes. The days I have taken a wheat grass shot, I am more productive after work, and have the energy that lasts me all day. It is a good alternative for caffeine, and it is good for flushing the body. We do not normally comsume the recommended amount of Green Vegetables as we should, and this is an easy and painless way to jump start your system with some healthy greens. Wheat grass can be found at Raw Juice Bars such as Jamba Juice, Juice it Up, Local Juice bars, etc. I will be looking into growing my own wheat grass, as I have a juicer at home. That will be the next step for my health.


Organic Tomato and Basil Crostini Recipe January 10, 2013


This recipe is really easy, and really fun. I just thought how yummy it would be appetizer, or a lunch entree! =] Enjoy!


You will need:


1 loaf ciabatta bread

3tbsp olive oil

1lb organic roma tomatoes

2 organic garlic cloves

1/2 cup organic basil leaves (leave some on the side for the finsihed product)

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/4 tsp organic ground black pepper

grated organic parmesan cheese

How to:

Start with the tomatoes, olive oil, garlic cloves, basil leaves, salt and pepper in a bowl

and lightly toss them.

Cut ciabatta bread into rectangles.

add bowl combo onto top of bread, yum!

grate organic parmesan cheese on top, to taste.


*Remeber, not all ingredients have to be organic, switch out for what you have. The more organic the healthier! This recipe should take about 10 minutes from start to finish!

More recipes at:



Starbucks Reusable Cups 2013 January 8, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — GreenLif3 @ 4:24 pm

Starbucks, is a worldwide known company, which uses thousands of paper cups a day. As they have been making efforts to use resuable materials in these cups, they have come up with an idea to sell reusable cups for $1 and give a discount on each cup of coffee for using it, thereafter. I really love this idea, because it is giving an reward for thinking more green and eco friendly. I went to the site for more info, and they have all kinds of plans for becoming a greener company. It was inspiring to see a big company trying to make a difference.



Top 5 eco gifts for kids 2012 December 19, 2012

Top 5 Green Toys from Amazon

I was surprised to see that Amazon has a whole green section with all eco related products!!
When I saw this, all I could think was score! SO I set out to find the best toys for kids this year,
that are BPA free and eco in some way or another.

HaPe International E-Racer Suzuka – Green

Made from Bamboo, a renewable resource
Tiny environmental impact
Every part that can logically be made from Bamboo is made from Bamboo
Suzuka Model is Green (ALSO IN RED AND BLUE)
Sleek design

2.)Dandelion Hand Crocheted Ring Rattle

Individually crocheted by hand and signed by the artisan
Easy to grasp, soft rattle sound
Baby’s first toy
Rattle is filled with natural fibers made from corn (PLA)
Machine wash and tumble dry
(also comes in a panda bear, cat, frog, or bumble bee)

3.)Plan Toys Dancing Alligator

PlanToys is the first company to manufacture toys using wood from rubber trees that no longer provide Latex
PlanToys practices the three RS of Green Living: Reduce Reuse and recycle our manufacturing processes are designed to reduce waste and save energy
Plantoys creates innovative educational toys for every developmental stage of childhood
Plantoys are made from non-toxic natural materials such as organic rubberwood
Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging
The plan toys dancing alligator is an awesome accessory for your child’s play collection

4.)Plan Toy Oval Xylophone

Solid wooden mallet strikes the bars to produce melodious pleasant notes
Five Bars To Produce Five Different Notes
Children Can Associate Colors With Different Notes For Easy Composition
Reinforce A Child’s Natural Sense Of Harmony And Rhythm
This Toy Is Made From All Natural Organic Recycled Rubber Wood And Water Based Dyes

5.)Mini Dumper

Green dumper
Miniature wooden dump truck
Dumper that goes up and down
Truck driver included
Made from rubberwood, non-toxic water based paints as well as biodegradable fabrics


To the GreenLif3 community:

Filed under: Uncategorized — GreenLif3 @ 12:53 pm

I must say, I have not put my heart into every post like I expected of myself when making this blog. I make a new year resolution to put more time and content into these blogs. I have so much to write about, I might as well get it out! And this information can really help people, as myself I am still trying to change my habits into more healthy and green conscious. Everyday I think of more and more to write about, so here it is. Its for the readers that I have decided to put my heart into this, so here i go! Happy Holidays everyone!!


Belkin Conserve Socket F7C009q Energy-Saving Outlet Review October 30, 2012

Filed under: earth,green,home — GreenLif3 @ 12:05 pm
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I am an amazon fanatic (if you haven’t noticed,) and I have fallen in love with amazons green page. Which is natural considering I write a green blog =p. So when I saw that they have a set of products designed to save energy with our plugs, I was immediately excited. This means around christmas time when my computer is not being used, this neat device will put it in power save mode. This is essential for me, because around this time of year my electric bill sky rockets. Even the rest of the year I can have peace of mind, and wont worry about shutting off each appliance. This is great for washers and dryers as well, which aren’t used all the time, but always plugged in. Check it out for yourself, I included consumer reviews as well so you can see which type of module would suit you best! =]




Consumer reviews: very helpful in deciding which product. =]


Deodorant Warning: Bad for Kidneys October 29, 2012

The high levels of alumiunum in our deodorant is highly toxic for people with kidney problems. Some doctors say It is nothing to worry about, but if that is the label, its there for a reason. They have to put it, because of how much damage is done to the kidneys.

There are so many people born with kidney problems, that this is one thing that they would not notice is continuing to hamr their kidneys. Not just to think of all the healthy kidneys being affected!! Spread the word!! =]

I have been searching for aluminum free deodorant, hope it still works good!!

I have included a link for some deodorants.and one on an article. The world should know about these warnings!!  =]